Luna VIII is has a very strong and alert personallity. She is an alfa female and lets every one else know that she is the boss. She has a wonderful bond with her humans and her animals alike.
Great Pyrenees Approx 100%
DOB 01/24/2017
Current Weight / 85 lbs
~ AKC Registered
~ Double Dew Claws
~ PennHip distraction index: Right DI = .38, Left DI = .29
Floki(Passed away farm accident)
Floki is a male from one of our earlier litters out of Badger and Sadie. He has a massive head and is very well put together. He is a very alert and attentive male.
Great Pyrenees Approx 85%
Anatolian Shepherd Approx 15%
DOB 05/21/2018
Current Weight 110 lbs at 22 months old
Double Dew Claws
Badger(Passed away)
Badger is a big blocky gentle giant who loves attention but is also a great guardian. He is an excellent family dog with such a loving and gentle demeanor. He has a very deep thick coat nearly all year long especially in the winter. Badger has double dew claws on both back feet which are the standard in great pyrenees thought to help gain traction and stability in the mountains and adverse terrain.
Great Pyrenees Approx 100%
DOB 3/17/2016
Current Weight / 110 lbs
~ OFA Heart / Normal OCT2017
~ OFA Elbows Prelim / Normal
~ OFA Hips Prelim / Excellent
~ Double Dew Claws
Sadie is our Alpha female. She is a very alert and protective dog. Sadie has an unmatched mothering ability whether its her own babies or a goat, or a cow she is always in the mix licking and taking care of the young. Sadie is a medium framed pyrenees with a medium length coat. In the winter she has a very long coat and in the summer she sheds most of it and is very slick looking ideal for the warmer weather as well. Sadie is crossed with nearly 75% great pyrenees and approximately 25% anatolian shepherd making her a very alert caring guardian.
Great Pyrenees Approx 75%
Anatolian Shepherd Approx 25%
DOB 11/28/2015
Current Weight / 90 lbs
~ Single Dew Claws