Great Pyrenees Turn 4 Weeks Old
Its hard to believe that the Great Pyrenees pups are already 4 weeks old. They are doing so well. We started introducing milk this week...
Newfoundlands Turn 1 Week Old.
The Newfoundlands are almost 1 week old (6days), doing great and are all growing at about the same rate right now. Hershey has really...
Great Pyrenees Pups Turn 3 Weeks Old.
The pups are now 3 weeks old and have come so far this week. They don't even look like babies anymore as all of them have their eyes...
Newfoundland Puppies are born!!
If you havent been following Hershey went into labor at 12:00am on Monday and didnt finish until Tuesday at 6:00pm. This however wasnt...