Great Pyrenees turn 4 weeks old
Great Pyrenees turn 4 weeks old. This week the puppies were introduced to milk replacer and ground up puppy food. The puppies get this mix twice a day and they love it. Also this week the puppies are are starting to figure out how to play with each other and are starting to explore more of their areas. We love this age as they are starting to understand who we are and what our role is in the family. When we first great them in the morning one or two may give out a little bark but after we call "Puppies" they know its just us. We like to pick them up and let them smell us which usually always calms them down. We have found with their mom and dad that they for some reason like to smell your breath and the puppies are the same way. We are sure its the human to dog way of making sure all is ok. For more information on this litter and to see additional weekly photos, weekly growth weights and see which pups are still available click "Available Puppies" tab or "Current Great Pyrenees" tab. Also please click "GP Videos" to see individual videos of each puppy at 4 weeks old.