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Great Pyrenees Puppies are here!!!

After 9 weeks of waiting Lady went into labor on Easter Sunday and gave us 7 wonderful males and 1 beautiful female. Poor little male 6 was a true Easter egg as he was sorta dyed green from the birthing fluids when he was born. We gave him a vigorous washing and came to the conclusion that time will eventually get his fur back to white. This litter has a current wait list with currently 3 males spoken for and the one and only female spoken for as well. Next Sunday we will start contacting our 1st choice families to see what puppy they would like to select and so on and so forth until all deposit are filled. To see more pictures of this litter follow this link and click on the different puppies pages to see them specifically: Available Great Pyrenees

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Photos are property of Hergert Family Farm
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